Current Projects
- Interstate 44 Weigh Scale Site
- Route 50/AT Intersection Safety Improvements
- Pavement Resurfacing, Culvert Replacement on Route PP
- Route F, O, and NN pavement resurfacing
- Route 100 Pavement Resurfacing & Bridge Rehabilitation
- Route M from Route 100 to Route AT Pavement Treatment
- Route AC and Route AD Pavement Resurfacing
- Route T Pavement Resurfacing, Slide Repairs, Bride Deck Sealing
- Route KK Corridor Upgrades
- Meramec State Park Pavement Resurfacing
- Missouri Route 47 Corridor Study from Washington-Union-St. Clair
- Route YY from Rte. 185 to Rte. Y & Rte. E from Rte. 100 to Gasconade County Line
- Route N from Route 30 to Route O & Route O to north of Zagreb Road
- Missouri Route AP Sign Replacements
- Outer Road (I-44) Corridor Upgrades
- Route Y Bridge Replacement
- Route 100 from Washington Crossing to East of 5th St.
- Route 50 from West Outer Independence Road to Route 47
- Route CC at Little Creek
Franklin County Construction Maps
Franklin/Jefferson County Newsletters
Completed Projects
- Route HH Bridge Replacement in Franklin
- Interstate 44 at Route 50 Bridge Replacement
- Route 47 Missouri River Bridge
- St. Louis Safety Design Build Project
- Route 47 Resurfacing Project
- Route 50 at Route EE and East Denmark Road
- Missouri Route MM Safety and Operational Improvements in Franklin
- Missouri Route 47, Route WW, and Hogan Road Guardrail Upgrades in Franklin and …
- U.S. Route 50 Pavement Resurfacing in Franklin