Weed Wolf

Submitted by: Southwest District

Innovation Description and Benefit:

The Weed Wolf is a weed eater attachment that mounts to a zero-turn mower deck and operates on the existing belt system.  This requires less PPE than weed eating. You do not need the helmet with the face shield and over the ear ear-protection. Where a zero turn goes, we would have the capabilities to weed eat at the time instead of additional personnel and equipment having to follow behind and weed eat by hand.  The Weed Wolf runs of the existing pulley system of the mower deck, so it takes no extra fuel. It eliminates the need for the additional fuel that has to be gas and oil mix for the handheld weed eater.

For More Information Contact

Southwest District - Maintenance 

Jonathan Raines at Jonathan.Raines@modot.mo.gov or 417-399-9216.