Safety Dashboard-1i

Wearing seat belts, adhering to posted speed limits, and limiting backing, are the very basics of a safe workplace.  

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Write Up:

The MoDOT seatbelt rule has improved for April, going from 0.02 events per 1,000 miles driven for the last three months, down to 0.01. The number of seatbelt violations has also decreased to 49 April. This is the best rate event since last year. 

For the speeding over six miles per hour, numbers have held steady the last few months with eight exceptions per month, with an exception of March, which saw 10 events.

MoDOT has seen an increase of events this month for the speeding over 15 miles per hour rule.  There was one in February, zero in March, and three in April.  The rate event is still so low it can be considered zero.   

The rate goal for backing when leaving is 10 rate events per 1,000 miles. The backing when leaving rule has improved this quarter, with the rate going from 16 events per 1000 miles in February down to 13 in April. 

Safety scorecards have been used to show vehicle scores.  Now that everyone is using a key fob, safety scorecards have been changed to driver scorecards.  Anything above 95% means a driver is at low risk for an accident.  MoDOT's driver average is 97.3%.

Purpose of the Measure:

Wearing seat belts, adhering to posted speed limits, and limiting backing, are the very basics of a safe workplace.  Seat belt use and following the posted speed limits are also Missouri state law. This measure will track how MoDOT is performing on the very basics of a safe workplace.  This is just one small piece of a much larger effort to ensure every team member goes home safe each and every day.

Measurement and Data Collection:

Using telematics and GPS technology, MoDOT monitors and collects data about seat belt usage and speeding, among other metrics, in MoDOT’s fleet ensuring vehicles are being operated in a safe manner.  This data is used extensively to answer customer questions regarding snow removal and investigate allegations of damage caused by MoDOT fleet.    

Results Driver

Contact Photo
Chris Redline
Chris Redline
District Engineer
Kansas City District
Contact Info

Measurement Driver

Michael Frazier
Sr. Maintenance Operations Specialist
Southeast District
Contact Info


Phone: (417) 509-0121