Safety is a daily commitment for all of MoDOT employees. From design and construction to operations and maintenance the state transportation system, the safety of our customers, partners and employees is our top priority. We work with our safety partners to promote safe behavior for all users and modes of transportation so everyone goes home safe every day.

Number and Rate of Fatalities -1a
Safety is MoDOT’s number one priority, so much so that the Mission Statement was updated to include safety.

Number of Fatalities in Work Zones -1b
Safe, efficient travel for the public through work zones is important.

Number of Vulnerable Roadway User Fatalities -1c
Lyndon’s Law was signed by Governor Parson on July 9, 2019, authorizing the Missouri Department of Revenue to revoke the driver’s license of anyone who hits a highway or utility worker in a work zone or an emergency responder in an emergency zone.

Most Common Characteristics of Fatal Crashes -1d
By identifying behaviors and characteristics most closely associated with these crashes, MoDOT can make more informed decisions to address the problem.

Number and Rate of Fatalities Involving Commercial Motor Vehicles -1e
Commercial Motor Vehicles play a vital role in our nation’s economy by transporting the products we need.

Percent of Seat Belt/Passenger Vehicle Restraint Use -1f
Seat belts save lives, but getting people to use them – even to protect their own lives – is a challenge.

Number of Incidents by Safety Focus Area - 1g
MoDOT makes safety our highest priority to make sure everyone goes home safe.

TMA Crashes and Associated Employee Injuries - 1h
While the ultimate goal for this measure is to eliminate work zone crashes, the objective is to reduce the number of protective vehicle/truck-mounted attenuator (TMA)/trailer-mounted attenuator (TrMA) crashes below the previous four-year average.

Safety Dashboard - 1i
Using telematics and GPS technology, MoDOT monitors and collects data about seat belt usage and speeding, among other metrics, in MoDOT’s fleet ensuring vehicles are being operated in a safe manner.

Employee Involvement in Safety - 1j
To be effective, any safety and health program needs that level of "buy-in" from its employees as they will benefit the most from a successful program and also have the most to lose if it fails.

Total Number and Rate of MoDOT Recordable Incidents -1k
The total number and rate of recordable incidents are tracked to measure the department’s goal of fewer injuries.

General Liability Claims and Costs -1l
Keeping employees and the public safe is MoDOT’s highest value.