23: COVID-19 Online Reporting System

Submitted by: Central Office - Safety and Emergency Management

Innovation Description and Benefit:

COVID-19 testing programs began in facilities that had two COVID-positive employees within seven days of each other and called it box-in testing. Box-in testing provided another layer of safety for our employees by identifying asymptomatic staff members. There needed to be reporting capabilities and maps that identify impacted facilities. Reaching out to MoDOT’s Information Systems team, we learned they had the capability to develop a web app that would meet our needs, in a secure environment. In the first few days of deployment, MoDOT Human Resource staff noted a 20% to 30% time-savings in the process due to the automated emails and not needing to add the PDF form data into a separate spreadsheet. The reporting provided a running total of positive cases, close contacts, and tests pending. The Assistant to the Chief Administrative Officer-Employee Health and Wellness has stated this system has cut the documentation time by at least 40% over the manual entry method initially used.

For More Information Contact

Central Office - Safety and Emergency Management

Michael White at Michael.White@modot.mo.gov or 573-508-9418.