8: MMS Winter Mix Calculator

Submitted by: Northwest District

Innovation Description and Benefit:

The Maintenance Management System Winter Mix Calculator spreadsheet calculates the quantity per ton for each commodity that goes into a building’s dry winter mix, as well as the ton of mix per bucket. Each maintenance supervisor must set up each dry winter mix in the MMS. Then, as users enter the number of buckets, they use during a winter storm, the proper amount of each commodity is removed from their warehouse’s inventory. Although the weights are not specific to the loads received at each building, this spreadsheet drastically simplifies the calculation for maintenance supervisors and reduces their chance for error when setting up the mixes. All that is needed for this spreadsheet is the loader bucket size and the ratio of salt/chips/sand/cinders. If any liquid or dry flake is added to the dry mix, the user will also need the gallons/bags per batch. Some buildings use more than one mix ratio, and this spreadsheet can easily/quickly calculate quantity per ton of each commodity for all their mixes.

For More Information Contact

Northwest District

Norma Wood at Norma.Wood@modot.mo.gov or 816-387-2460.