Districts Impacted
Project Summary
In anticipation of upcoming corridor maintenance activities, MoDOT is investigating potential geometric, operational, and safety improvements along the Route 67 corridor, including the at-grade intersections at Cinder Road, Red School Road, Route 94/Richard Drive, and St. Charles Street in West Alton, MO.
Why is this Project Needed?
MoDOT is currently completing construction on the Route 67 Elevation Project which is raising southbound Route 67 lanes to the elevation of northbound lanes for approximately one mile south of the Clark Bridge over the Mississippi River. The project will improve safety and mobility at the Route 67 and Riverlands Way intersection and include a J-Turn. Upon completion of this project, the above mentioned intersections will be the only remaining at-grade intersections and Route 94/Richard Drive will be the only remaining signalized intersection in the 9-mile corridor between I-270 and the Clark Bridge over the Mississippi River.
Project Milestones
5:30 - 7 p.m.
West Alton City Hall
111 Richard Dr.
West Alton, MO 63386
Scroll down to view public meeting display boards.
4-6 p.m.
Audobon Center at Riverlands
301 Riverlands Way
West Alton, MO 63386
This is an open house-style meeting to share PROPOSED SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS.
What is a Road Safety Assessment (RSA)?
An RSA is performed by a multidisciplinary team, independent of the project, to identify potential safety concerns and identify opportunities for improvements considering all roadway users applicable for the corridor. An RSA accounts for human factors and road user capabilities.
The RSA process consisted of data collection, data analysis, and a field review. Data collection and data analyses included speed data, traffic volumes including turn movement counts, crash history, and input from agency stakeholders. The field review included intersection-by-intersection detailed review of existing conditions, traffic and crash data, observations, and potential opportunities for safety improvements.
The RSA field review team included MoDOT employees, engineering consultants, members from the Federal Highway Administration and Orchard Farm School District, and emergency services providers. These individuals represent a broad range of expertise and diverse viewpoints to maximize initial insight into the corridor.
What are the existing trends along the corridor?
In the six-year period from 2017-2022:
- There were 227 reported crashes in the study area including seven fatal injury crashes and 11 serious injury accidents.
- Right angle, rear-end, and turning crashes are common at Route 94/Richard Drive.
- Right angle and turning crashes are common at Red School Road.
- Several wrong way crashes occurred.
Based on a recent speed study, prevailing speeds are 12-15 mph above the 55-mph posted speed limit.
What strategies to reduce crashes were identified in the RSA?
The RSA team identified several potential crash reduction strategies including the following:
- Geometric improvements such as adding or expanding deceleration and acceleration lanes, and flattening the southbound Route 67 curve north of Route 94
- Intersection improvements such as improvements to the existing signalized intersections, roundabouts, median restrictions, offset left turns, and J-Turns
- Corridor improvements such as improved signing, lighting, guardrail, guard cable, and slope modification
Input from public meeting #1 is intended to validate problem identification and gather additional data and viewpoints to be considered in the development and selection of future improvements for the Route 67 corridor.
What is the next step in project development?
MoDOT has developed proposed design improvements along Route 67 which will be presented during its March 5 public meeting.
What is the anticipated project cost?
Approximately $14.5 million has been allocated in the State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP) for upcoming corridor maintenance, roadway and safety improvements along Route 67 between the Missouri River and Mississippi River in St. Charles County in 2025. Additional funding may be required depending on the safety strategies and roadway improvements selected for implementation.
Is MoDOT purchasing property from landowners?
MoDOT is still evaluating whether any right of way will be needed to make improvements along the Route 67 corridor.
Tabitha Locke
Area Engineer, North St. Louis County
St. Louis District
Contact Info
Office: (314) 453-1749
Email: Tabitha.Locke@modot.mo.gov
Office: (314) 453-1749
Email: Tabitha.Locke@modot.mo.gov
Lisa Kuntz, P.E.
St. Louis District Traffic Engineer
Contact Info
St. Louis District
Office: 314-568-7252
Email: lisa.kuntz@modot.mo.gov
St. Louis District
Office: 314-568-7252
Email: lisa.kuntz@modot.mo.gov