Counties Impacted
St. Louis
Route Impacted
Work Type
Sidewalk/ADA Improvements
In Progress

Project timeline

Preliminary Plans

Designers evaluate the corridor and determine a preliminary plan for the project.

Virtual Public Hearing

The Missouri Department of Transportation reached out to the public -- especially potentially impacted property owners -- and shared information about the project, its impacts and the steps ahead. The virtual public meeting was held February 10, 2021.   

Right of Way process

Once the public hearing has closed, the department works on final plans.  Once those plans are complete, the right of way team reaches out to those individuals who may have temporary construction easements on their property, as well as those from whom the department may need to purchase property for the project.

Project awarded

Once the necessary right of way is acquired, the project goes out for bids.  The project is awarded to the lowest qualified bidder.

In Progress
Construction begins

Construction on the project begins.  This project should start in early 2023.

Not Started
Project ends

This project is scheduled to be complete in late 2024.


What is the current situation?

The Missouri Department of Transportation has a project scheduled to resurface Route 50/61/67 (Lindbergh Boulevard) between Barracksview and Big Bend in 2023. 

During that project, the department is also making updates to the roadway’s pedestrian facilities. All existing sidewalks and crosswalks need to be updated to be meet current Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. There are some sections of sidewalk that are being connected, as well.  

In addition, many of the signals along the corridor will be updated.


What improvements are being made?

The department is updating sidewalks along the corridor to meet Americans with Disabilities act requirements. In addition, the department is updating many of the signals along the corridor. Specifically, the department is updating signals at 24 locations. Some of those updates include new ADA compliant pedestrian heads, signal detection, ADA compliant pedestrian buttons, and uninterruptable power supplies.

Based on customer comments through the public outreach period, the department made some additional changes to the project. Between Big Bend and Interstate 44, the project will reduce the through lanes to 11 feet in each direction, will add continental striping at the crosswalks, and will add additional signage warning drivers to yield to pedestrians crossing the road. 

Are bike facilities included in this project?

Since traffic volumes along Lindbergh Boulevard along this stretch are fairly high, Lindbergh will remain signed to remind drivers to share the road with cyclists.

What are the impacts from the project?

Impacts during the construction should be relatively minimal. Sections of sidewalks will be closed for periods as crews work on the updates.  Drivers can also expect one lane closed in either during non-peak traffic hours while signals and sidewalks are updated.  Business owners with multiple driveways will have at least one access point into their business at all times through construction. Crews will work on half of the access point at a time when there is only one entrance/exit from a business.  Residential driveways are too small to complete half at a time – driveways will need to be closed for several days when they are being worked on.  We anticipate that the contractor will be able to share a general timeframe when they anticipate being in the area -- probably about a week or two in advance.

What is the timeline?



Preliminary plans Completed
Public Hearing February 2021
Right of Way process starts Spring 2021
Project awarded Spring 2023
Construction begins Late spring 2023
Construction complete Late fall 2024