Tier I Information


Seven documents have been produced to detail how improvements to I-70 could impact the natural and man-made environments. Each document provides an evaluation of the reasonable alternatives for widening and rebuilding I-70 and recommend a preferred alternative.

On August 14, 2009, the Federal Highway Administration approved and signed the Record of Decision for the I-70 Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement.

I-70 Supplemental EIS Record of Decision

I-70 Improvement Study (First Tier) Documents

All information collected and decisions made during the I-70 Improvement Study are contained in the First Tier Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), which was released in late 2001.

Record of Decision- In December 2001, the I-70 Improvement Study's findings were accepted by the Missouri Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration. This formal acceptance, published in the form of a Record of Decision or ROD, explains the study's findings and any commitments that were made as a result of the study. The ROD is available for your review below.