Districts Impacted

I-229 Moving Forward
I-229 is a corridor that carries traffic through downtown St. Joseph on the Double-Decker Bridge along the Missouri River. The bridge is 40 years old with an expected lifespan of 50 years.
UPDATE: Jan. 2025: The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the I-229 Double-Decker Bridge Environmental Assessment (EA). The FONSI marks the formal conclusion of the assessment and the ability to move forward with the preferred alternative.
I-229 Moving Forward EA Goals:
MoDOT has completed an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the I-229 Double-Decker Bridge. The EA study is required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for federally-funded projects and ensures a sound, well-researched decision is reached. The EA consisted of the technical evaluation of human and natural environmental impacts, both positive and negative, associated with the alternatives for the project and whether those impacts are significant or not. So why did MoDOT conduct an EA study of the Double-Decker?
- The bridge is nearing the end of its expected life: the expected lifespan of the bridge is 50 years. The bridge is currently 46 years old.
- The bridge is rated in poor condition: despite ongoing maintenance the bridge continues to deteriorate and is rated in poor condition - the equivalent to a C- grade.
- Current structural problems on the bridge will be difficult and costly to repair: if the bridge was rehabilitated, it would either need a second rehabilitation or a complete replacement in approximately 25 years - with an estimated cost around $200 million.
- Traffic volumes don't support the need for the current bridge structure: the amount of traffic using the bridge doesn't require a four-lane, elevated structure. At the time the bridge was conceptualized, a higher volume of traffic was expected to travel I-229 than does today.
- The economic development of St. Joseph's downtown and riverfront is more challenging with the current bridge in place: the current bridge is not compatible with the City of St. Joseph's current vision for riverfront development and continued growth.
I-229 Moving Forward EA Purpose and Need:
Resolve bridge deficiencies
- Provide a long-term solution for the condition of the I-229 Double-Decker Bridge
Maximize travel mobility, accessibility and safety
- Travel Safely
- Ease of moving freight
- Downtown accessibility
Complementary to, and compatible with, local land use plans
- Downtown revitalization
- Reconnecting the riverfront

The Preferred Alternative
With the preferred alternative, the double-decker bridge will be removed and replaced with a new four-lane arterial road constructed at-grade (elevated as necessary for compliance with floodplain and stormwater requirements) in generally the same location as the existing double-decker bridge between the railroad tracks and the Missouri River.
*This EA study ONLY addressed the corridor in which a new structure and/or roadway would follow. Considerations such as traffic control, ramp placement, architecture and beautification are part of the EA study process. These would be addressed in the final design process which would include opportunity for public comments concerning these roadway topics.
Project History
Project Timeline
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View the project timeline and learn about project history, where we are now, and future.
I-229 Moving Forward News
Reminder: I-229 Double-Decker Public Meeting to be held tomorrow
ST. JOSEPH, Mo. – Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that a public hearing will be held at the Remington Nature Center – 1502 MacArthur Drive, St. Joseph, MO 64505, tomorrow, Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024, between the hours of 4 p.m. and 6 p...
ST. JOSEPH, Mo. – Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that a public hearing will be held at the Remington Nature Center – 1502 MacArthur Drive St. Joseph, MO 64505, on Thursday, August 15, 2024, between the hours of 4 p.m. and 6 p.m...

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