Districts Impacted
In just slightly more than 3-and-a-half years, the Safe & Sound Bridge Improvement Program that was expected to take more than five years was completed. Missourians in every county of the state are driving across new and improved bridges that will serve their needs for many years to come thanks to the Safe & Sound program.
The $685 million Safe & Sound Bridge Improvement Program drew to a close on Nov. 8, 2012 with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on the Route 11 bridge over the BNSF Railroad in Chariton County.
As a result of Safe & Sound, MoDOT reversed the trend that showed a growing percentage of deficient bridges.
Safe & Sound Milestones
Final bridge completed on Route 11 over the BNSF railroad in Chariton County
When the Commission launched the program in September 2008, a goal was established to have 802 bridge projects completed by the end of 2014. Nearly 250 of those bridges were to be rehabilitation projects processed through MoDOT’s monthly letting schedule, with 100 under contract by the spring of 2009. The remaining 554 bridges – all complete replacements – were to be accomplished through a single design-build contract.
In May 2009, KTU Constructors, a joint venture of Kiewit Western Company, Traylor Brothers, Inc. and United Contractors, Inc., was selected as the design-build contractor. They committed to finish the project by December 31, 2013, and ultimately beat that goal by 14 months.
The Commission celebrated the anticipated completion of Safe & Sound at its October meeting in Neosho. There, KTU Executive Scott Cassels and MoDOT Project Director Ken Warbritton cited teamwork as the key to the successful completion of the program. Cassels noted that 491 of KTU’s 554 bridges were completed by what he called “the hometown team” – 22 Missouri contractors and more than 100 subcontractors and materials suppliers. An additional 21 local bridge builders and many more subcontractors performed the rehab work.
“You are blessed with fantastic craftsmen here in Missouri,” Cassels said, noting than as many as 500 were working at any one time on the many KTU jobsites.
Approximately 90% of the work was performed by Missouri workers.
Safe & Sound was not a complicated construction project (the average bridge was 150 feet long and 24 feet wide), but the logistics were mind-blowing – moving men, equipment and materials all over the state. Cassels said that on its projects alone, 20,000 loads were delivered in three construction seasons and KTU vehicles traveled three million miles (equivalent to 120 trips around the globe) carrying personnel who administered the work.
The key to the rapid completion of Safe & Sound was the strategy to close roads and replace bridges in the same location, eliminating the need for costly roadwork. The average closure was just 42 days, or half the time of a normal bridge replacement project.
Safe & Sound Stats
Total Bridges Improved
Rehabilitated Bridges
Design-Build Bridges
Average Closure Length

Statewide Map
The 802 bridges included in the Safe & Sound Bridge Improvement Program were divided into two groups: 248 were identified for rehabilitation, which typically means a new deck on the existing substructure (modified design-bid-build) and 554 were completely replaced (design-build).
Bridge Project Listing
Click here to access a listing of bridges by county, as well as excel spreadsheets of the modified design-bid-build and design-build bridges.
Click here to access a listing of bridges by county, as well as excel spreadsheets of the modified design-bid-build and design-build bridges.
Photos and Videos
Check out before and after photos of SAS bridges. Construction videos are also available.
Check out before and after photos of SAS bridges. Construction videos are also available.
Bridge Terminology
From abutments to wing walls, learn more about common bridge terminology.
From abutments to wing walls, learn more about common bridge terminology.
Design-Build Documents
KTU Constructors was selected to replace 554 bridges through a single design-build contract.
KTU Constructors was selected to replace 554 bridges through a single design-build contract.