Counties Impacted
Route Impacted
Work Type
Pavement Resurfacing
In Progress

Why is MoDOT rehabilitating and reconstructing a portion of I-44?

Prioritized in the 2019 MoDOT High Priority Unfunded Needs list by our regional planning partners, this multi-phase improvement project along 52 miles of Interstate 44 from west of Rolla to Cuba began in April 2022.

This heavily-used segment of I-44 needed major pavement rehabilitation and reconstruction in some areas, where failures required nearly constant, routine repair.

Lehman Construction, LLC was awarded the $50.5M contract at the February 2022 Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission meeting, with a July 1, 2024, completion date.

The project has experienced delays and setbacks (see below) that have impacted the overall completion date.

Please see the NEWS segment of this page for the latest information, including a shift back to normal patterns expected prior to winter 2024 with work continuing into 2025.

The improvements included in this project are listed below.



Major Milestones for the Project

Contract Awarded
February 2022

During their February 2022 meeting, the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission awarded the contract for the project to Lehman Construction (later acquired by Capital Paving and Construction), which submitted the low bid of $50,452,588.

Reconstruction of Westbound Shoulder

The westbound shoulders were replaced with thicker pavement to service the three lanes of traffic currently traveling on the westbound shoulder between St. James (mile marker 194) and Rolla (mile marker 186).

Culvert Extension at the East Fork of Little Beaver Creek

The contractor completed this work with little traffic impact. Cleanup and removal of erosion control devices will take place once vegetation is established.

Concrete Pavement Repair and Replacement

In the 6.5 miles of the westbound lanes between Rolla and the Sugar Tree Road exit (mile marker 176).

Asphalt Resurfacing

Nearly 25 miles of asphalt resurfacing in both directions from west of Rolla to Route F, west of Cuba.

Rehabilitation of the Bourbouse River Bridges
In Progress
Eastbound Lane Reconstruction

All eastbound traffic between Exit 186 and Exit 195 is now traveling on new concrete pavement.  Grading, removals, and installation of rock base for the eastbound driving lane is now complete and paving has begun between Rolla and St. James.  Pavement construction is highly weather and temperature dependent, so work will continue as weather allows.

In Progress
Guardrail and Guard Cable Installation

Remaining guardrail work will be done within the reconstruction area. After construction is complete, guard cable will be installed in the median.

Not Started
Westbound Resurfacing: St. James to Rolla

The westbound lanes will only be resurfaced - not reconstructed - between St. James and Rolla. 

Not Started
Interchange lighting at Route V
Not Started
Project Completion

The project has experienced delays and setbacks (see below) that have impacted the overall completion date.

As of July 8, 2024, the contractor expects the project to be completed in fall 2024.


Improvements included in this project

Below is a more detailed list of improvements included in the project - nested within the major milestones listed above.

  • Concrete pavement replacement and repair in the westbound lanes between Rolla and Sugartree Road west of Doolittle. COMPLETE
  • Nearly 25 miles of asphalt resurfacing in both directions from west of Rolla to Route F west of Cuba. COMPLETE
  • Rehabilitation of the Bourbouse River Branch bridges west of St. James. COMPLETE
  • Culvert extensions at the East Fork of Little Beaver Creek, west of Rolla. COMPLETE
  • Westbound shoulder reconstruction between Rolla and St. James. COMPLETE
  • Eastbound passing lane pavement and shoulder reconstruction between Rolla and St. James. COMPLETE
  • Grade and place rock base for the eastbound driving lane and outside shoulder. COMPLETE
  • Concrete paving approximately 8 miles of the eastbound driving lane and outside shoulder. COMPLETE
  • Westbound resurfacing only between St. James and Rolla (not reconstruction).
  • Interchange lighting at Route V.
  • Grading medians throughout the corridor. 
  • Guard cable installation where needed within the corridor.
  • Diamond grinding the new pavement for smoothness throughout the corridor.
  • Striping and rumble strip installation throughout the corridor.


Traffic Impacts

Long-term lane closures will be in place throughout the two-year construction time period.

Eastbound lane reconstruction phase

  • Two lanes in each direction will be maintained, (weather permitting) but lane widths will be reduced, and the alignment of lanes will be shifted until all construction is complete.
  • This includes a prolonged period when eastbound traffic will be shifted onto the westbound lanes with concrete barriers or other traffic control devices separating the opposing lanes of traffic. 

Westbound resurfacing phase

  • Traffic may be reduced to one lane and ramp closures may be necessary.

Delays and setbacks

The project has experienced setbacks that have had an effect on the overall completion date. These include:

  • Significant failures to both the roadway and shoulder base.
  • Concrete production complications.
  • The acquisition of Lehman Construction, LLC by Capital Paving & Construction, LLC in May 2023, midway through the contract.
  • Concrete quality issues in the newly placed concrete lanes. August 2024.

Project News