High Priority Unfunded Needs Public Meetings

MoDOT staff have been working with RPCs and MPOs the past few months to update the High-Priority Unfunded Needs document, which will be available this summer along with a public comment period to be announced. 

The draft document will be presented at the following meetings around the state. If you are unable to attend the meeting in person, the pdfs of the information presented will be posted below.

The final document will be presented to the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission at its September meeting. Once approved, it will be updated to the website.

Northeast TBD TBD NE Unfunded Needs Presentation
Northwest TBD TBD NW Unfunded Needs Presentation
Kansas City TBD TBD KC Unfunded Needs Presentation
Central TBD TBD CD Unfunded Needs Presentation
St. Louis TBD TBD SL Unfunded Needs Presentation
Southwest TBD TBD SW Unfunded Needs Presentation
Southeast TBD TBD SE Unfunded Needs Presentation

