Types of Safety Improvements

Modified Right-Turn Angles 

Drivers in various parts of St. Louis County and Jefferson County may see some roadway improvements intended to enhance how far drivers can see when they make a right turn, increasing safety for them and pedestrians as they make their turn. Construction involves restriping the right-turn paving markings and will take a few days at each location.

ADA Upgrades will be implemented at various locations along with the right-turn modifications. 

Here’s a list of right-turn angle locations that are scheduled for construction for the upcoming weeks:

Southwest St. Louis County:

Starting 12/16

Scheutz & Page Avenue 

Route 100 & Lindemann 

Route 110 & Main Street 12/17


Dutch Mill & Route 141 12/17

Bowles & South Outer Rd 12/17


Route 109 & Old Manchester 12/24

141 & Romaine Creek Rd 12/24

North St. Louis County:

Route 141 and Prichard 12/16

Jefferson County:

Route 30 & Route BB  12/16

All work is weather dependent.