TSMO Success Stories

From signal timing to unique interchange designs, Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TMSO) strategies are in use all over Missouri roadways.

The innovative culture at MoDOT has allowed for the successful implementation of many unique TSMO strategies. Below are some featured success stories.


Pothole CPR

Randy Johnson, traffic center manager with KC Scout in MoDOT's Kansas City District talks TSMO, what it is, and how Pothole Customer Proactive Reporting (CPR) uses crowd-sourced reporting to locate and fix potholes as quickly and efficiently as possible.



Open Roads Agreement

Owen Hasson, traffic incident manager with MoDOT's Safety & Emergency Management Division, discusses the Open Roads Agreement and how multiple agencies come together to help keep Missouri travelers safe and on the move, as quickly as possible.


Innovative Interchange Design

An innovative design can go a long way when it comes to improving traffic flow and increasing safety. In this video, St. Louis District Transportation Project Manager Lisa Kuntz, Transportation Project Designer Dan Savageau and Traffic Operations Engineer Eddie Watkins discuss how innovative roadway design and construction are helping to alleviate traffic congestion on the Route 141/Route 364 interchange and how these improvements are leading to safer travel in the area.


Smart Work Zones

Smart work zones keep traffic moving as safely and efficiently as possible. Traffic Management and Operations Engineer Dan Smith discusses smart work zones - what they are and why they are used. Improve I-70 Program Director Eric Kopinski details how smart work zones will be used in the first stretch of the Improve I-70 project from Columbia to Kingdom City.



Mini-Roundabout Design

Mini design, big results. In this video, District Construction and Materials Engineer Benji Philpot discusses how the Southeast District team came up with a unique solution to mitigate speed and solve a sight distance issue while completing bridge improvements over I-57. And Southeast District Engineer Mark Croarkin discusses the importance of using TSMO to create the best solutions for travelers.


TSMO Implementation at MoDOT

With the seventh largest transportation system in the nation, TSMO strategies and tactics are an essential part of everyday MoDOT operations, allowing for safe and efficient travel. In this video, Deputy Director and Chief Engineer Ed Hassinger talks TSMO and the importance of successfully managing and operating the system.