Counties Impacted
Route Impacted
Work Type
Bridge Replacement
Planning Phase

The Platte River Bridge on Nodaway County Route NN was built in 1955. It was closed in July 2024 following a routine inspection that found advanced deterioration of the structure. Due to these findings and its closure, the contractor letting for this project was moved up to March 2025. The notice to proceed, the earliest a contractor may begin work on the project, is May 2025.

The current bridge will be replaced completely by a new structure. MoDOT and consultants from GBA are currently designing the new bridge. 

Project Progress

In Progress
Planning & Design Phase

MoDOT and consultants from GBA Consulting Engineers are working to design the bridge replacement. This phase includes designing the bridge structure and determining traffic control. 

The bridge was closed in July 2024 following a scheduled inspection. It will remain closed until this project is complete.

Not Started
Contract Bid and Award

Contractors may submit competitive bids during MoDOT's scheduled lettings. This project is scheduled to be a part of the March 2025 letting. The Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission will consider all submitted bids at its scheduled monthly meeting in April 2025. If the lowest submitted bid meets all necessary criteria, the MHTC may award contracts at that time.

Not Started

MoDOT will work with the contractor to determine a schedule after the project is awarded. Motorists will need to seek an alternate route around the closure. The notice to proceed, the earliest the project may begin, is May 2025.

Not Started

By contract, all work must be completed on or before Dec. 1, 2025.


Project News

Frequently Asked Questions

Will there be a detour?

There will be no detour during construction and motorists will need to continue to seek an alternate route around the closure. 

Will MoDOT need to acquire any Right of Way?

MoDOT and consultants from GBA are working to determine if right of way acquisition is needed. If new right of way is required to complete the project, the project manager will contact the affected property owners.

How can I stay updated on the project’s progress?

To stay updated on this project, please sign up for eUpdates, or continue to check this project page.

profile of the Nodaway NN bridge over

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