Designing Pedestrian Facilities for Accessibility (DPFA)

Designing Pedestrian Facilities for Accessibility (DPFA)

Designing Pedestrian Facilities for Accessibility (DPFA)

May 6 - 7, 2019 ~ 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Harry S. Truman Building, 301 W. High St.

Jefferson City, MO 65102

This two-day course was designed to ensure that pedestrian facilities and access routes are properly constructed and maintained for individuals of all abilities. This course also focuses on proper design and maintenance of pedestrian access routes in new construction or when existing facilities are altered. Participants are engaged through a power point presentation, discussion, video demonstrations, small group problem identification, and features a hands-on out-door wheelchair, low-vision goggles, white cane exercise. This training was developed to provide information for those involved in the design and maintenance of pedestrian facilities, and for those individuals that ensure the proper adherence to all applicable laws and guidelines.

Instructor: Patrick E. Gomez, FHWA Resource Center

This course will have several modules covering an array of topics to assist local governments and agencies in understanding the importance of ADA compliance, the legal background, as well as cover elements of an ADA transition plan. The following modules will provide the structure for the two day course:

Module 1: Laws, Regulations and Pedestrian Characteristics (which includes self-evaluations and transition plans and the DOJ-DOT Joint Technical    Assistance on the Title II of the ADA Requirements to Provide Curb Ramps when Streets, Roads, or Highways are Altered through Resurfacing)

Module 2: Pedestrian Access Route (PAR)

Module 3: Curb Ramps and other Transitions

Module 4: Detectable Warnings (truncated domes)

Module 5: Pedestrian Crossings

Module 6: Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS)

Module 7: Street furniture and Parking

Module 8: Work Zones & Maintenance

Civil Rights Specialist

To Register:

 You must create an account through MoDOTu by Clicking Here.

 If you have already signed up for a MoDOTu account, Click Here to sign in with your username and password.

 Click on the Search tab. Type in "92208" and press search.

 Click the Details-Enroll(Self) button next to the correct instance.

 Click the ENROLL button at the top of the new window.

 If there are multiple people in your organization that would like to attend, they must each individually register for this course.

 The deadline to register is Monday, April 29, 2019.