LPA News - On Call Consultant Maximum Cost Update

On April 1st, MoDOT will complete an update to Engineering Policy Guide (EPG) 136.4 in regards to the policy on consultants.  A summary of these changes are as follows:

  • An increase to the maximum contract amount for the LPA on-call consultant list from $100,000 to $200,000.  Once this update is official, local agencies may use the on-call list to select consultants to work on LPA projects for engineering services under the new $200,000 threshold.  
    • Any project which already has an executed program agreement will still be limited to the $100,000 threshold for the on-call list.  Supplemental consultant agreements to ongoing projects which previously utilized the on-call list should not exceed the previous $100,000 limit.
  • Local Agencies will also be required to document discussions with at least 3 consultants from the on-call list to make a selection.  At minimum, the documentation should include the consultants called, the qualifications discussed for each consultant, and the basis of the selection (cost must not be part of the selection).  
  • A requirement to develop an independence cost estimate (ICE) prior to contacting consultants whether the on-call list or the standard solicitation process (Advertisement/RFQ) is used to select a consultant.  If the ICE is close to the $200,000 limit it is recommended the RFQ process is followed to reduce the risk of engineering services exceeding $200,000.  
    • To develop an ICE, please look at similar past projects, contact nearby communities with similar projects, contact your respective planning partner, or contact your MoDOT LPA representative.  A template is also being provided in the EPG as a tool to assist.