JEFFERSON CITY – Missouri’s transportation system is a tremendous asset including 33,825 miles of roads and 10,387 bridges. The system ranks among the largest for any state in the nation. The Missouri Department of Transportation working with its statewide regional planning partners has identified $1 billion in annual unfunded needs. From the broader unfunded needs, MoDOT has developed a High Priority Unfunded Needs list to guide the development of projects into funded projects as state and federal transportation funds increase.
Public meetings will be held across the state from Nov. 28 through Dec. 7. The full list of the meeting dates, time and locations are here:
MoDOT staff have worked with metropolitan planning organizations and regional planning commissions throughout the state to develop a list of high priority unfunded road and bridge needs. The draft project-specific lists include $4.7 billion in road and bridge project needs in three tiers. Tier one includes $528 million and includes project needs we could accomplish in the time of the current five-year STIP as federal and state funding levels increase. These projects have more refined estimates. Tier two is worth $2 billion and includes project needs beyond the current STIP timeframe with broader estimates. Tier three includes $2.2 billion of project needs also beyond the current STIP timeframe with broader estimates. In addition, DOT staff worked with the planning partners to identify $1 billion in multimodal needs.
“Even with additional revenue, transportation needs greatly outweigh funding available, and we are working through the challenges of increasing project costs due to higher inflation,” said MoDOT Director Patrick McKenna. “Across every region of the state, feedback from Missourians has consistently prioritized maintaining the existing system as the highest priority. Other priorities include projects that improve safety, spur economic growth, and provide more transportation choices. We appreciate Missourians input in this new draft as we work to prioritize projects that provide the greatest value to taxpayers.”
The draft document and comment forms will be available online through December 21. For more information, call MoDOT at 888-ASK-MODOT (275-6636) or visit To receive the latest statewide news and text alerts, signup for e-updates.