FY2023 Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP)

Award Announcement

MoDOT’s LPA Program is pleased to announce the FY 2022 TEAP Project Awards.  This year, 21 applications were submitted requesting nearly $245,000, with available funding limited to $150,000. 

The Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP) allows local public agencies (LPA) to receive engineering assistance for studying local traffic engineering issues. LPAs awarded TEAP funding must utilize the LPA On-Call Consultant List for consultant services.

Local public agencies are reimbursed for eligible project costs at a rate of 80 percent with the local agency providing a 20-percent match.  Funds administered by MoDOT will provide 80 percent of the TEAP project costs, up to $12,000 per project. If the total cost is greater than $12,000, the local agency can pay more than 20 percent to complete the TEAP project.

All awarded project sponsors will receive an official email from MoDOT informing them of the next steps in the TEAP process. 


2023 Traffic Engineering Assistance Program - Funded Projects

Local Agency

Awarded Amount

Type of Project

City of Kirksville


Crosswalk Evaluation

City of Mexico


Clark Street Corridor

City of Moberly


Industrial Park/Intersection Study

City of Excelsior Springs


US Hwy 69 intersections

City of Holden


MO 131 and 9th St to MO 58, and S Main Street to 9th St

City of Independence


Noland Road & 35th St

City of Sedalia


Engineer Ave from 7th St to Reine Rd

Cole County


ADA Transition Plan

City of Fulton


Street & Intersection Safety Study

City of St. Peters


Capacity and safety improvement study McClay Rd/Harvester Rd and McClay Rd/Jungermann Rd

City of Webb City


Street inventory and pavement condition assessment- City roads

Webster County


Intersection study- Iron Mountain Rd at RT PP

City of Jackson


Main St. Corridor Pedestrian Safety Study