HANNIBAL, MO - A conceptual study of U.S. 54 Corridor improvements between Mexico and Louisiana is underway after being added to the Missouri’s statewide transportation plan. The Missouri Department of Transportation has contracted with Bartlett & West as the lead consultant, and Klinger and Associates and Hg Consulting, Inc. are sub-consultants. The first meeting has been held to determine scope of the study, and to help progress with the scope, surveying along the corridor is expected to begin mid-August.
The project team will look at 55-mile corridor to evaluate opportunities for passing lanes and/or shared four-lane improvements. “The study will identify segments of the project that can be constructed individually, but a timeline for implementation will not be determined at that time,” said MoDOT District Engineer Paula Gough.
“At this point, the team agrees there will be no direct impact to communities, as we do not expect any improvements will be made within city limits,” Gough said. Also, the roundabouts at Basinger and Scott’s Corners will not be included in the project, and they will not be affected. Making the bypass around Mexico a four-lane is included in the study but is not expected to be a high priority. Public involvement will begin next spring after more data has been gathered. The study is expected to be concluded in the Spring of 2023.
As it becomes available, information will be posted on project website at U.S. Route 54 | Missouri Department of Transportation (modot.org).
Those interested in staying abreast of the project can subscribe to MoDOT’s e-update service at this link.