A Primer to Complete Streets Webinar

Missouri LTAP in partnership with the Missouri Department of Transportation and FHWA, Missouri division presents:

A Primer to Complete Streets Webinar

“A Complete Street is safe, and feels safe, for all users. The majority of States and hundreds of local jurisdictions have adopted Complete Streets Policies, and FHWA is supporting these transportation agencies to plan, implement and evaluate equitable streets and networks that prioritize safety, comfort, and connectivity to destinations for all people who use the street network. Complete Streets serve pedestrians, bicyclists, public transportation users, children, older individuals, individuals with disabilities, motorists, and freight vehicles.”


During this webinar, you will gain knowledge of how to transform your roadways and why it just makes sense.  The webinar is scheduled for May 25th, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.  To register, please visit this link: https://umsystem.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJElc-GspjsqH9EdLo1ZutXoWeKRTMBidbTb


For more information regarding Complete Streets, please visit:  Complete Streets in FHWA | FHWA (dot.gov).