St. Joseph, Mo. – A project to replace the bridge on Harrison County Route P over White Oak Creek, near McFall, is scheduled to begin next week. Contractors from Boone Construction Co., working with the Missouri Department of Transportation, will close the roadway to all traffic on Monday, April 5. This bridge is included in Gov. Mike Parson’s $351 million Focus on Bridges program, which will repair or replace 250 bridges across the state.
The project will bring both the 67-year-old bridge and surrounding guardrail up to current standards. This includes replacing the current 20-foot wide, one-lane bridge with a 24-foot wide bridge which will include shoulders and two 10-foot lanes.
The road is scheduled to remain closed through mid-June. During the closure, motorists will need to use an alternate route.
Drivers are urged to stay alert and pay attention to all roadway signing and barricades. All work is weather-permitting, and schedules are subject to change. Please remember that all roadways are NO PHONE zones. Buckle up. Phone down. Arrive Alive.
For more information about this and other MoDOT projects, visit and view the online Traveler Information Map. Also at, sign up online for work zone updates. Information is also available 24/7 at 888-ASK-MODOT (275-6636) or via social media.
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