Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP) Workshop - November 13th - Springfield, MO

Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP) Workshop - November 13th - Springfield, MO

November 13th, 8:30 am to 5 pm

The Library Station, Frisco Room

2535 N. Kansas Expressway

Springfield, MO 65803

Workshop Description

According to the NHTSA, 2016 witnessed the most pedestrian fatalities since 1990, accounting for approximately 16 percent of all roadway fatalities (5,987). In 2016, 72% of pedestrian fatalities occurred away from intersections (e.g., mid-block locations) and approximately 26% occurred at intersections.


This full day workshop will provide an overview of the pedestrian safety crossing problem and provide resources for addressing the problem and present the “Spectacular 7” safety treatments which are:

  • Rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs) are active (user-actuated) or passive (automated detection) amber LEDs that use an irregular flash pattern at mid-block or uncontrolled crossing locations. They significantly increase driver yielding behavior.
  • Leading pedestrian intervals (LPIs) at signalized intersections allow pedestrians to walk, usually 3 to 4 seconds, before vehicles get a green signal to turn left or right. The LPI increases visibility, reduces conflicts, and improves yielding.
  • Crosswalk visibility enhancements, such as crosswalk lighting and enhanced signage and markings, help drivers detect pedestrians–particularly at night.
  • Raised crosswalks can serve as a traffic calming measure and reduce vehicle speeds.
  • Pedestrian crossing/refuge islands allow pedestrians a safer place to stop at the midpoint of the roadway before crossing the remaining distance. This is particularly helpful for pedestrians with limited mobility.
  • Pedestrian hybrid beacons (PHBs) provide positive stop control for higher-speed, multilane roadways with high vehicular volumes. The PHB is an intermediate option between a flashing beacon and a full pedestrian signal.
  • Road Diets can reduce vehicle speeds and the number of lanes pedestrians cross, and they can create space to add new pedestrian facilities such as pedestrian crossing/refuge islands.

The workshop includes a group field visit exercise where participants will evaluate a nearby corridor for pedestrian safety and make recommendations for improvement if needed.  Please bring appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) for use during the field visit.



1. Welcome / Introductions / Highest priority

6. Lunch (on your own)

2. Why STEP: Background and data

7. STEP Treatments Cont.

3. Polices and Process

8. Site Visit

4. Break

9. Report out

5. STEP Treatments

10. Final Remarks/ Evaluations/Adjourn


Class is limited to 40 seats.


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Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP) Workshop


Ray Shank, PE

Traffic Safety Engineer

MoDOT Central Office – Highway Safety and Traffic Division

(573) 526-4293