ARAN Video
Interactive tool that displays a collection of historical roadway images and data captured by MoDOT’s ARAN vans. Registration required for external users.
Interactive tool that displays a collection of historical roadway images and data captured by MoDOT’s ARAN vans. Registration required for external users.
Data Summary Tool
Interactive pivot tool providing statistics based on area of interest: traffic, planning, bridge, construction, and maintenance.
Interactive pivot tool providing statistics based on area of interest: traffic, planning, bridge, construction, and maintenance.
Federal Aid Routes
Interactive map showing which routes in the state are eligible for federal aid.
Interactive map showing which routes in the state are eligible for federal aid.
Statewide Transportation Improvement Program
Interactive map showing the current approved STIP, a report of the road and bridge projects slated to be let in the next five fiscal years.
Interactive map showing the current approved STIP, a report of the road and bridge projects slated to be let in the next five fiscal years.