Dunklin County Route N Bridge and Route O Bridge

Notice of Opportunity for Public Hearing

SIKESTON-The Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission is planning to replace two bridges in Dunklin County on Route N near Senath and Route O in Kennett. 

  • The Route N project involves replacing the bridge over Honey Cypress Ditch, located approximately .5 miles east of the Route 412/Route N intersection.
  • The Route O project involves replacing the bridge over Snipe Slough Ditch, located one mile south of the Route 84/Route O intersection.

The projects are expected to be let in January 2018, with construction anticipated as early as spring 2018. As construction is underway, Routes N and O will be closed to through traffic in the vicinity of the bridges.

Maps, plans, and other information prepared by the Missouri Department of Transportation, or interested agency, will be available for public inspection and copying at the Missouri Department of Transportation’s Sikeston District office, 2675 N. Main Street, Sikeston, MO 63801.

Any person affected by this project may request that a public hearing be held in regard to the proposed improvements. Requests for a public hearing should be in writing and must be submitted to District Engineer Mark Shelton at P.O. Box 160, Sikeston, MO 63801, by Sept. 27, 2017.

For more information, please contact Project Manager Eric Krapf at (573) 472-5261 or Transportation Project Designer Jeff Wachter at (573) 472-5294.

Location Map