2022 Buckle Up Phone Down Champion

AAA Automotive Club of Missouri

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The AAA Automobile Club of Missouri has been instrumental over the past 2 years in expanding the reach of Missouri's Buckle Up Phone Down campaign. The organization has consistently supported BUPD Day, advocated for stronger public policy related to distracted driving and frequently visited schools and other venues to talk about the importance of BUPD. They also launched the first ever BUPD High School Showdown, a competition between 15 high schools throughout Missouri to see which school could obtain the largest percentage and number of BUPD pledges amongst students, faculty, family, and friends. The first iteration of the Showdown garnered nearly 5,000 BUPD pledges in a little over a month. A second competition is being planned for fall 2022, with the goal of 45 high schools participating.

Two individuals with AAA have been instrumental in their efforts: Angela Nelson, Vice-President of Public Affairs & Government Relations and Nick Chabarria, Spokesperson and Public Affairs Specialist. Angela and Nick both embody exactly what it means to be a BUPD Champion.